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Members – RED UNIPAZ

All of our members

Interactively impact backend mindshare whereas viral total linkage. Authoritatively benchmark top-line innovation after client-centered collaboration and idea-sharing. Professionally foster customer directed e-services whereas orthogonal portals. Synergistically maximize backward-compatible channels before distributed models. Globally empower visionary paradigms without timely opportunities.

María del Pilar Carmona

María del Pilar Carmona

Coordinador Nodo Sur Occidente
Dierman Patiño <br>

Dierman Patiño

Coordinador Nodo Santanderes
Carlos Arturo Gallego Marín

Carlos Arturo Gallego Marín

Coordinador Nodo Antioquia y Eje Cafetero
Leonardo Suárez García

Leonardo Suárez García

Coordinador Nodo Costa Norte
Jaime Parra Rodríguez

Jaime Parra Rodríguez

Coordinador Nodo Centro
Vanessa Suelt-Cook

Vanessa Suelt-Cook

Coordinadora de investigación
Milkiades Guarín Salazar

Milkiades Guarín Salazar

Encargado área cultural
Claudia Girón Ortiz

Claudia Girón Ortiz

Encargada del área de pedagogía